The Frictionless Sales Process

The Frictionless Sales Process

Most VPs of Sales tend to worry about things like increasing their average deal size, improving their win rates, and ramping up new sales team members as fast as possible to “full sales productivity”.  They’re concerned with other things...
Why Are You Still Accepting Sales Failure?

Why Are You Still Accepting Sales Failure?

Why Are You Accepting Sales Failure?  Think of the ancient Greek mythological figure of Sisyphus applied to sales ( I was chatting about the state of enterprise sales with a long time enterprise sales colleague of mine last week....
The Power of “No” in Sales

The Power of “No” in Sales

The most powerful word in sales is “no”.  I was reminded of this once again over the past several weeks in various business negotiations.  Let’s start with the fact that the customer is not always right.  In fact, sometimes the...
How Curious Are You?

How Curious Are You?

The inspiration for this post was my recent visit to Boston and one of my closest friends in the world twin sons. They are identical twins and are four years old. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that they are absolutely the cutest boys on the planet. My...
The Tao of “Why” in Sales

The Tao of “Why” in Sales

“Why” is the most important word and concept in sales.  We have a habit of overcomplicating sales. I know that I’m certainly guilty of this at times! But if you strip away all of the selling methodologies, frameworks and strategies that are...