Mar 29, 2015 | Best Practices
The term NextGen is all too frequently bandied about in technology around NextGen this or NextGen that. Why? Everyone wants an edge and is curious about how things are going to change and become better. There are always huge material benefits and value to...
Mar 29, 2015 | Best Practices
According to various reputable sources, there are anywhere from 400K-1M+ consultants in the US (see references attributed at end of blog post). The lower number represents the number of independent consultants whereas the larger number represents a cumulative of...
Mar 29, 2015 | Best Practices
Did you ever watch the movie “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” with Steve Martin and John Candy? In the movie, John Candy’s character is named Del Griffith and he is a shower ring salesman. He is also a blabbermouth that tells one boring...
Feb 18, 2015 | Best Practices, Leadership
Why do most sales people struggle with territory development? There are several reasons behind this but it starts with the fact that sales management doesn’t typically convey clear guidelines around territory development expectations during the recruiting...