Article on Advantages of Outsourcing

Good article on the advantages of outsourcing but doesn’t address the advantages of engaging specific domain expertise that you need to go to market from a sales and marketing perspective. The value proposition is accelerated ramp-up, faster time to revenue and...

Business Week article on Outsourcing

Good article on outsourcing. While I agree with the assertion that most VCs won’t consider investing in a start-up that doesn’t have an outsourcing plan, it seems that most people only consider outsourcing for development. There is a new wave of...

What is the true value of good marketing and sales?

Have you ever heard start-ups or entrepreneurs claim that they can’t afford to pay for marketing and sales? They’ll “make it up to you” on the back end with a high commission payout. Yet these same entrepreneurs will invest hundreds of...

Who are today’s Gatekeepers?

Remember the days when the dreaded executive admin (aka-gatekeeper) would screen all incoming calls to their executives. As a salesperson, you were convinced that they all looked like battle axes, always woke up on the wrong side of the bed and never had even the...