How Would Judge Judy Conduct Sales Discovery?

How Would Judge Judy Conduct Sales Discovery?

My wife and I love Judge Judy.  We watch her TV show religiously and apparently we’re not alone, as her TV show is the highest rated daytime TV show and syndicated TV show with an audience of over 7 million people (  She...
Why is sales discovery more important than ever?

Why is sales discovery more important than ever?

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I am a self-professed sales discovery devotee.  Across my 25 years of selling technology solutions to the enterprise, show me a top performing sales rep or sales team and I’ll show you a sales...
Tell Your Sales Team to Stop Grovelling!

Tell Your Sales Team to Stop Grovelling!

Nothing is more offensive than seeing an enterprise sales team grovel with their customers. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of “grovel” is: To kneel, lie, or crawl on the ground To treat someone with too much respect or fear in a...
Do you really know your customers?

Do you really know your customers?

How well do you really know your customers?  Surprisingly, I find that more and more companies are losing touch with their customers at the exact time that it’s becoming more important than ever to get closer to your customers. Everyone talks about how...
How Important is Quality to Your Customers?

How Important is Quality to Your Customers?

If given a choice, I’d always prefer to sell the premium priced service or solution.  Why?  Because quality still matters to a lot of people and they are willing to pay for it. This all may sound a bit counterintuitive these days, given that most...