Why Great Sales Enablement is Like Making Sausage

It may not sound intuitive or logical, but I submit to you that developing a great, effective sales enablement program has a distinct sausage making process component to it.  And while that sausage making process may be quite raw, dirty and even a tad disgusting...

Does Context Matter in Sales?

Let’s start by providing Oxford Dictionary’s definition of context: “The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.” Inherently the definition tells us...

7 Signs That You Might Need Sales Enablement Help…

Have you ever watched the Jeff Foxworthy comedy sketch “You Might Be a Redneck If”?  It’s a funny bit with little blurbs that may signal you are a redneck.  He’s made a lot of money off that series of jokes, and I believe there is an...

Why the Sales Middle Class Matters

According to most respected economists, the health of a nation’s economy can be directly correlated to their income inequality distribution curve.  This blog post is not a politically charged piece, rather it intends to draw an analogy between the...

Celebrating 8 years in business!

Here is a staggering statistic for you, according to Bloomberg, 80% of entrepreneurs fail in the first 18 months (http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericwagner/2013/09/12/five-reasons-8-out-of-10-businesses-fail/) of launching their business. Having said that, True Sales...

Can I tell you a sales story?

People are hard wired to tell and listen to stories.  Human beings have been telling stories for thousands of years,  just ask a caveman.  Good story tellers are engaging and dynamic.  Great story tellers draw an emotional, visceral response. Every...

Can your sales coaches coach?

What impact does your first line of sales management have on overall revenue and sales performance?  Based on 25 years of high tech enterprise sales experience, I submit that ensuring that your sales coaches can effectively coach is equally if not more important...